Gosh I’m Messed UP!!!

Failure will never overtake me if my determination is strong enough

Ong Mandino

Today I literally woke up in the middle of my bed between lazy and motivated. I can honestly tell you when my feet touched the ground I found my self on the wrong side of the bed, the lazy side. Smh… It totally sucked when I feel this way. It makes me feel bad. My goal today was to wake up and take a stroll around the block, eat a healthy breakfast and then relax before work at 2 pm.So today wasn’t my strongest.


So what will I do to change…?

Well first I need to set a goal, my goal is to feel healthy.That sounds stupid but sometimes feeling healthy will get you there.

I am a model now so I have got to start acting like it.  Just being a plus size model holds its own stigma behind it because people thing we sit and eat all day… Then put on clothes. No thats not me, So i need to start acting like it. I’m not on a WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY but a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE JOURNEY. I cant allow my past illness to stop me from living a fullfilling life. So today I’m putting on my determinaton boots and I’m climbing this mountain.

Okay I’m ending my rant today.

I want to help someone else and help myself.

-Alexandria Jack


In the words of Ms. Monroe

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.

Hello Honeys…

My name is Alexandria from Houston, Tx baby.

Yaaas! Okay I’m doing to much. So Just call me Alex. I’m new to the modeling game, I’m in love with clothes and I’m a professional home cook. And for my fellas out there, “Im beautiful and domestic”(wink).


As I stated before I am starting out in the fashion industry as a Plus size model. Modeling I have something I’ve always wanted to do and I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have been given to get starting. I’ve learned so much about the plus size community and also just learning about myself.

It’s crazy because a year ago I was so afraid to do anything because of a lack of confidence and will power. I had gained 70 pounds from being ill and it took away alot of my confidence. A few months ago something came over me and said “STOP DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?” and ever since then I asked myself the same thing every morning. And my answer back is physical and mental, through working out, telling myself “I AM BEAUTIFUL”, and just being positive.

What I would hope for my blog to allow people to take a look into my lifestyle. I did not want to fully categorize my blog because I want everything to be put on the table as far as fashion, food, modeling, and even love. Hopefully my journey will help someone else as well as help myself. So thank you in advance for reading… WELCOME!